Wednesday, 22 October 2014

What is a Learning Environment

Learning is perhaps one of the most important processes in existence, if we can not learn we can not survive. Think of a new born, they are constantly learning and developing, and it is vital for them to survive and flourish in life; from crying (to alert their caregiver), to crawling and walking. 

Through school, learning does not just happen in the classroom. It has the potential to happen anywhere and anytime. We learn new things everyday, sometimes without even realising we have, so it is so important that we provide an environment that enables us to learn in the very best and easiest way we can. However finding and creating the right environment can be a hard task as everybody learns in their own unique way. We all have differing learning styles; ways in which we learn best and increase the ability to take in and register information. This is something that one needs to understand and consider when trying to create an effective learning environment.

To form a good enabling learning environment in a school, one needs to appeal to the senses as this will encourage interaction and learning. A good way of doing this would be to fill it with hands-on activities that encourages one to be creative, make sure the air in the room is fresh and not stuffy, and use different sounds, colours or textures. It also needs to be a safe place where one feels secure, free to express oneself and to explore.

"The environment we are in affects our moods, ability to form relationships, effectiveness in work or play - even our health." 
Bullard, J (2010).

The environment we spend time in during any given day is a learning environment. Whether it is a good one all depends on how much it enables us to learn, and whether the things we are learning are positive things for us. As Bullard states above, it can even have impacts on our health. We need to make sure we spend our time in an environment that will be good for us and will encourage us to develop ourselves and become a better version of who we are... not a worse one.
Reference List:

Bullard, J. (2010). Why is the environment important for childrens learning?. Available: Last accessed 22/10/2014.

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